Third-Party Debt Order
A Third Party Debt is an order from the County Court freezing a debtors bank account and ordering the ‘third party’ who hold these funds to transfer them to the claimant.

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DCB Legal’s Specialist Litigation team provides our clients with an experienced and practical approach to post-judgement enforcement. Our team are committed to ensuring our clients receive a swift and cost-effective service.
Once a judgment is obtained, steps may still need to be taken to recover overdue funds. One option to recover award funds is a Third Party Debt Order, provided the debtors details are known.
DCB Legal Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA registration number 638321.
We will make the relevant application to the court to request an interim Third Party Debt Order be made in relation the judgment obtained.
The Courts will write to the debtor’s bank or building society ordering the account be frozen the account and write to debtor advising of this.
The court will arrange a hearing with at least 28 day notice to decide if the frozen funds should be paid to the claimant. DCB Legal can arrange for an advocate to attend the hearing.
Once the court decides the funds should be transferred, they will instruct to transfer the funds original frozen to the creditor. If the frozen amount does not cover the full judgment debt, further enforcement may be necessary.
DCB Legal strives for continuous improvement of its processes and technology to provide our clients with unparalleled services and the best results. Our team collaboration ensures a quality, ethical service throughout our clients’ journey.
DCB Legal has no ambitions to become a ‘full-suite’ legal practice, instead focusing on our specialties: Debt Resolution, Civil & Commercial Litigation, and Landlord & Tenant Services.
DCB Legal Ltd are specialist Debt Recovery, Civil & Commercial Litigation Solicitors
Make EnquiryDCB Legal- Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.