Process Serving

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What is process serving?            

Process serving is where a document is required to be served on an individual or a member of a Company in person.  We have process servers nationally who can visit the premises to hand deliver a document, therefore location is not an issue.

What documents can we serve using this process?                                        

Any documents requiring hand delivery.

Examples of documents are:

  • Family law papers, divorce papers.
  • Notices on tenants
  • Documents for insolvency processes.

How much will process servincost?

£295 +VAT

What will you do for this fee?  

We will try up to 3 times to serve a document on a person for the fee.

If we can make contact with the relevant person and hand deliver the document to them, this will be sufficient for a document to be served.  The process server will not deal with the dispute or the contents of the document itself.

How will we prove the document has been served?

We will complete a document, a Certificate of Service to prove the process server delivered the document giving details of how and when the document was served. A Court accepts a Certificate of Service as proof of service.

If you require an alternative proof of service as required by the type of document being served, we can arrange this for you.

Just contact our expert Legal Team who will be more than happy to assist.

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DCB Legal- Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.